Reviews / Testimonals

Outstanding Chatbot and Live Chat platform (Feature Rich!)

I've been using for a few weeks now and all I can say is that its extremely undervalued.

The product is very very feature rich and has a cleaner UI than most products I've seen here.
The chatbot building proces is very easy and straightforward. Although there could be some improvements between the flowchart and the component builder. Designing the widget, landingpage or embedded version is fun and the platform gives you endless options how to design your chatbot interface. Especially for the widget there are many design settings and options (like prerecorded video, welcome messages, animations, knowledge base, etc) you can select.

The agent dashboard is quite good and being able to switch to video chat is a great option. I really love the product and with the coming ChatGTP integration this is a no-brainer to me!

The onboarding could have some improvements as the product is quite feature rich and there are many options to select, but the support team and video tutorials are very helpful regarding any issues I faced.

Keep up the good work!



This team has really outdone themselves on this one!

Wow... rich features, seamless interface, and very user-friendly! What a great investment! This team is very passionate about the customer experience, and it shows in all they do. I am grateful that I found WeConnect chat. It's an absolute bargain and an over-delivery in value. Well done!



Catch the Bot while you can

Here's your casual and to-the-point review in under 600 characters:

WeConnect is a winner, folks! I found using this Chatbot building is fun and easy with 30+ templates or go wild and start from scratch. But the magic is the Drag-and-drop flow chart while shuffling convos is a snap.

The preview feature is your safety net before you possibly deploy. It even packs in video calls and screen sharing, a game-changer for support and sales for sure.

Working on any device and answering FAQs in a jiffy with canned messages as well is amazing to use also. Deployment and customization options are super flexible.

In a nutshell, it's a game-changer for creating seriously good, brand-reflecting chatbots.

I for one will be keeping this one. I've used many chatbots but this one is the best by a MILE...


Great and Highly Promising!

Many, many pros and only one cons. Sometimes, not always, the cloud infrastructure is slow. Keep it up guys!! 😉


Sistema de Chat muito completo

Tem uma interface muito simples e intuitiva. Em poucas horas conseguimos por o sistema a funcionar. Também vem repleto de recursos, como chatboot, integação com WhatsApp, Messenger, Google calendar, etc... Recomendo vivamente a todos os amigos e clientes.
