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Implement chat interface on your website

Great that you’ve built your chat interface. Let’s look at it in action on your website.

For a refresher, at you can have a 3 types of chat interface supported. 

  • Chat Widget on website
  • Chat interface Embedded on webpage
  • Landing page

Implement chat Widget on a Website using Javascript code

  1. Go to “Chat Interface” from left navigation bar
  2. Open your “Chat Interface” to go inside the “Builder”
  3. From Builder, go to the 4th step “Deploy”
  4. Go to “Install Widget” and copy the code available. 
  5. Insert the copied code script into your website page before closing</head> tag 
  6. Publish your changes to see the chat widget on your website
  7. Visit your website on the browser and you can see the chat widget is now visible on your website

Implement chat Widget on a WordPress Website using Plugin

  1. Go to “Chat Interface” from left navigation bar
  2. Open your “Chat Interface” to go inside the “Builder”
  3. From Builder, go to the 4th step “Deploy”
  4. Go to “Install Widget” and scroll down to see steps to “Install widget on a WordPress website”

Embed chat Widget on a webpage

  1. Go to “Chat Interface” from left navigation bar
  2. Open your “Chat Interface” to go inside the “Builder”
  3. From Builder, go to the 4th step “Deploy”
  4. Go to “Install Widget” and scroll down to see steps to “Embed on a webpage”
  5. Copy the iframe code given
  6. Paste the iframe code anywhere in your webpage to show a chat interface

Tip: As per your need you can adjust the height and width of embed chat interface by adjusting the values suitable to your webpage.

Share chat interface as a Landing page

  1. Go to “Chat Interface” from left navigation bar
  2. Open your “Chat Interface” to go inside the “Builder”
  3. From Builder, go to the 4th step “Deploy”
  4. Go to “Share Landing Page” 
  5. Copy the landing page URL to share publicly
  6. Social share : Use options given to share landing page on a Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter.

Install chat interface on your Mobile App

You can install the chat interface anywhere using a unique link. Using webviews in mobile apps you can add your chat interface to your mobile app. 

  1. Install a webview dependency in your mobile app project. 
  2. Go to “Chat Interface” from left navigation bar
  3. Open your “Chat Interface” to go inside the “Builder”
  4. From Builder, go to the 4th step “Deploy”
  5. Go to “Share Landing Page” 
  6. Copy the landing page URL to install as a webview

For example:

  1. If you are using react native, use command “npm install react-native-webview.
  2. Pass the URL of chat interface to show inside the mobile app
  3. To show Landing page output use Landing page URL like this –>{Your bot id}
  4. To show Widget output use Landing page URL like this –>{Your bot id}
  5. Implement a CTA touchable button on mobile app UI which will open the webview on click.

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