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Open Question

This is the most flexible component in the builder. Using this you can collect a variety of data from your visitors. 

It is possible to classify different data inputs in form of contact tags, further it can be displayed on to Contacts list. 

To enable contact qualification criteria, assign the appropriate matching tags based on the nature of the question.

For example, If you want to ask a visitor about their first name, then use the tag “First Name” – this will always qualify all visitors answering to open question as contact with First Name. 

Configuration steps:

  1. Let’s start with adding the component to the conversation flow
  2. You need to be inside Builder –> Conversation
  3. Click on “Add new component” –> Select “Open Question”
  4. This will show the component configurations to be setup
  5.  Write your question in the “chat message” section
  6. You can choose to show or hide the “Back” and “Skip” buttons  using the checkbox
  7. Use the “tags” dropdown to select the required contact tag to qualify – This is optional so if you don’t check the contacts checkbox then the answer will not be shown in the Contacts list but still be available in the Conversations list
  8. Click Save

configuration step

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