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Simple Message

The simple message component is unidirectional where you simply show the message in a chat conversation. 

Use this component to greet visitors with a simple message, GIFs, and emojis without asking for any response.

Examples of some simple message component outputs are;

Hello there! 👋

Welcome to our website.

Thank you for your time!

Multiple Output combinations are possible 

Show plain text Message

Show plain text Messages with emojis 😀

Show GIF

Show Image


Use steps below:

  1. Lets start with adding the component to conversation flow
  2. You need to be inside Builder –> Conversation
  3. Click on “Add new component” –> Select “Simple Message”
  4. This will show the component configurations to be setup
  5.  Write your question in “chat message” section
  6. You can enable or disable the component transparency using checkbox
  7. Click Save

configuration confiramation

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