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Number Range

This component is used to create a slider inside the chat conversation to allow the customer to select a number between two values.
  • You can set Prefix or Suffix labels to your values.
  • You can set the minimum and maximum values.
  • You can also set the incremental step counter. By default, it is set to 1. For example; if the step is ’10’ then you can select values like; 10, 20, 30, or 40…..

Configuration steps:

  1. Let’s start with adding the component to the conversation flow
  2. You need to be inside Builder –> Conversation
  3. Click on “Add new component” –> Select “Number Range”
  4. This will show the component configurations to be setup

Chat Message 

  1. Write your own message to show to the visitor
  2. Additionally you can show buttons ‘Skip, and ‘back’
  3. Select the range criteria
  4. Finally, save the component settings by pressing the ‘Save’ button


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